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AAPG Bulletin
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Regional Geology of Dakota Basin
Norval Ballard
Interbasin Pennsylvanian Correlations, Illinois and Iowa
J. M. Weller , H. R. Wanless , L. M. Cline , D. G. Stookey (5)
Lateral Variation in Chester Sandstones Producing Oil and Gas in Lower Wabash River Area, with Special Reference to New Harmony Field, Illinois and Indiana
George V. Cohee
Crocker Flat Landslide Area, Temblor Range, California
Russell R. Simonson , Max L. Krueger
Payton Pool, Pecos and Ward Counties, Texas
Richard E. Gile
Amoura Shale, Costa Rica
Paul P. Goudkoff , William W. Porter II
Preparation of Lantern-Slide Copy
Carl A. Moore
Late Paleozoic Age of Morehouse Formation of Northeastern Louisiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Ralph W. Imlay, J. S. Williams
Stratigraphy of North Dakota: ERRATUM
O. A. Seager