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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Geological Extrapolation and Pseud-Abyssal Sediments

W. G. Woolnough

Geology of Honda District, Colombia

John W. Butler, Jr.

Base-Exchange and Sulphate Reduction in Salty Ground Waters Along Atlantic and Gulf Coasts

Margaret D. Foster

1941 Supplement to Sutter (Marysville) Buttes Development, Sutter County, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Walter Stalder

Section of Hydrology of American Geophysical Union: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Paul Weaver

A Silurian Graptolite Zone in Crane County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Charles E. Decker

Test on Cedar Creek Anticline, Southeastern Montana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

O. A. Seager

Selected Annotated Bibliography on Oil-Field Waters: RESEARCH NOTES

L. C. Case , E. T. Heck , R. H. Fash , H. E. Minor (5), J. G. Crawford (6), F. W. Jessen (7), Margaret D. Foster (8), R. L. Ginter (9)

The Artificial Horizon and Geological Prospective: ABSTRACT

Edgar W. Owen

How Can Geophysicists Best Serve?: ABSTRACT

Henry B. Peacock

Neglected Gulf Coast Microfauna: ABSTRACT

Henry V. Howe

Good Geologists Make Good Neighbors--A Study of the Role of American Geologists in Hemispheric Solidarity under the Good Neighbor Policy: ABSTRACT

Wallace E. Pratt

Notes on Present Status of the Problem of Exploration: ABSTRACT

E. L. DeGolyer

Geology in War and Peace: ABSTRACT

Carey Croneis

Foraminiferal Zones in the Upper Cretaceous of the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, California: ABSTRACT

Paul P. Goudkoff

Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy of the West Side of Sacramento Valley South of Willows, Glenn County, California: ABSTRACT

James M. Kirby

Petroleum and Natural Gas in the Non-Marine Wasatch Formation of Northwest Colorado and Southwest Wyoming: ABSTRACT

W. T. Nightingale

Developments in the Rocky Mountain Region in 1941: ABSTRACT

Albert F. Barrett

Developments in Oklahoma during 1941: ABSTRACT

Joseph L. Borden

The Carlsbad Dolomite and the Pisolites of the Guadalupe Mountains of New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Walter B. Lang

Climatic Character of the Interval between the Jurassic and Cretaceous New Mexico and Arizona: ABSTRACT

Luna B. Leopold

Summary of Development in South Arkansas and North Louisiana during 1941: ABSTRACT

B. W. Blanpied, Roy T. Hazzard

Silurian and Devonian Stratigraphy in the Area South and East of the Western Kentucky Coal Basin: ABSTRACT

Louise Barton Freeman

Onondaga Group of Parts of West Virginia and Virginia: ABSTRACT

E. E. Rehn

Geology Applied to Engineering: ABSTRACT

F. A. Nickell

Applications of Geophysics in War: ABSTRACT

Carl A. Heiland

Contribution of Geophysics to the National Effort: ABSTRACT

Herbert Hoover, Jr.

Origin of Oil: ABSTRACT

K. C. Heald

Geophysical Evidence on the Mechanics of Salt Domes: ABSTRACT

L. L. Nettleton

Salt Domes of Bienville Parish: ABSTRACT

R. Dana Russell

Statistical Analyses of Crude Oils of Tertiary Age in the Gulf Coast of Texas and Louisiana as They Vary with Depth, Producing Formations, and Structural Types: ABSTRACT

Paul Weaver, John S. Ivy, D. Perry Olcott, John M. Vetter, George S. Buchanan

Discovery Rate and Relation of Wildcatting to the Discovery of New Reserves: ABSTRACT

Frederick H. Lahee

Problem of Pre-Trinity Deposits in South Texas: ABSTRACT

F. M. Getzendaner

Plymouth Field, San Patricio County, Texas: ABSTRACT

James L. Tatum, Jarvis Garst

A Silurian Graptolite Zone in Crane County, Texas: ABSTRACT

Charles E. Decker

Developments in East Texas during 1941: ABSTRACT

F. R. Denton, R. M. Trowbridge

Review of Developments in 1941, Gulf Coast of Upper Texas and Louisiana: ABSTRACT

O. L. Brace

Oil Shales of the Rocky Mountain Area: ABSTRACT

R. E. Baxter, Harry A. Aurand

Coals of the Rocky Mountain and Great Plains Region with Special Reference to Their Value for Hydrogenation: ABSTRACT

V. F. Parry

Standard of Cretaceous System: ABSTRACT

Siemon W. Muller, Hubert G. Schenck

Sediments and Tectonics of the Upper Santa Clara River Drainage Area, California: ABSTRACT

Wayne Loel

California Exploration and Development in 1941: ABSTRACT

James R. Dorrance

Occurrence and Origin of Permian Evaporites: ABSTRACT

Robert L. Bates

The Pennsylvania-Permian Contact in New Mexico: ABSTRACT

M. L. Thompson, C. E. Needham

Permian of Central and Northern New Mexico: ABSTRACT

C. E. Needham, R. L. Bates

Geological Factors Which Led to Discovery of Salt Lake Pool, Western Lea County, New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Charles P. Miller

Upper Des Moines and Lower Missouri Rocks of Northeastern Oklahoma and Southeastern Kansas: ABSTRACT

Malcolm C. Oakes, J. M. Jewett

The Greta Sands of South Texas: ABSTRACT

Phil F. Martyn

The Coletto Creek Field, Victoria County, Texas: ABSTRACT

John C. Poole

The Washburn Field, La Salle County, Texas: ABSTRACT

W. K. Esgen

The Luby Field, Nueces County, Texas: ABSTRACT

Lloyd G. West

South Texas Development in 1941: ABSTRACT

L. B. Herring

Developments in North Mid-Continent in 1941: ABSTRACT

Edward A. Koester

Subsurface Correlations between Kansas and the Rocky Mountain Front Range of Colorado: ABSTRACT

T. C. Peters

Recent Activities in Northwestern Kansas: ABSTRACT

A. J. Crowley

Viola Production in Eastern Stafford and Northwestern Reno Counties, Kansas: ABSTRACT

W. C. Imbt, P. A. Harper

Pennsylvanian and Permian Stratigraphy of Northern New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Charles B. Read, Lloyd G. Henbest

The Big Snowy Group: Subsurface Extent and Character in the Northwest Great Plains: ABSTRACT

Laurence L. Sloss, Eugene S. Perry

Notes on the Structural History and Oil Possibilities of the Dakota Basin: ABSTRACT

W. Norval Ballard

Natural Coal Gas in West Virginia: ABSTRACT

Paul H. Price, A. J. W. Headlee

"Corniferous" in Eastern Kentucky and Western West Virginia: ABSTRACT

Robert C. Lafferty, Ralph N. Thomas

Contributions of Petroleum Engineering Research to the Problem of the Migration and Accumulation of Oil: ABSTRACT

F. B. Plummer

Developments in Southeastern United States in 1941: ABSTRACT

Urban B. Hughes

West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico Development in 1941: ABSTRACT

Bernerd A. Ray, William T. Schneider, Charles Taylor Cole, Edgar Kraus, Ronald K. DeFord

The Omaha Pool, Gallatin County, Illinois: ABSTRACT

R. M. English, R. M. Grogan

The Physical Properties of the Bethel Sandstone of South-Central Illinois: ABSTRACT

Willard D. Pye

Oil and Gas Developments in Michigan During 1941: ABSTRACT

R. P. Grant

Development in the Eastern Interior Basin in 1941: ABSTRACT

Alfred H. Bell

Lateral Variation in the Chester Sandstones Producing Oil and Gas in the Lower Wabash River Area: ABSTRACT

George V. Cohee

The Results of the Drilling of a Deep Test near Bay City, Michigan: ABSTRACT

Jed B. Maebius

Subsurface Stratigraphy of the Kinderhook-New Albany Strata in Illinois: ABSTRACT

L. E. Workman, Tracy Gillette

The Sam Fordyce Field, Hidalgo and Starr Counties, Texas: ABSTRACT

Eugene L. Earl, Frederick W. Mueller

Oil-Field Waters of the Rocky Mountain Area Relationship of Water to the Accumulation of Oil and Gas in the Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT

J. G. Crawford

Geologic Relationship of Crude Oil in the Tow Creek, Wilson Creek, Iles, and Moffat Fields, Colorado: ABSTRACT

N. W. Bass, Harold M. Smith

Late Paleozoic Stratigraphy of the Gore Area, Colorado: ABSTRACT

Kenneth G. Brill, Jr.

Late Paleozoic and Early Mesozoic Stratigraphy of the Uinta Mountains, Utah: ABSTRACT

Horace D. Thomas, Max L. Krueger

New Developments in North and West-Central Texas in 1941: ABSTRACT

Lewis S. Coryell, Robert Roth, Dolphe E. Simic

The So-Called "Chert Nodules" of the Oriskany Sandstone and the Problem of Phosphates: ABSTRACT

Constantin N. Apsouri

Developments in Appalachian Area During 1941: ABSTRACT

Robert C. Lafferty

The Tupungato Oil Field, Province of Mendoza, Argentina: ABSTRACT

Harry L. Baldwin, Jr.

Stratigraphy and Structure of the Moose Mountain Area, Alberta: ABSTRACT

Donald J. MacNeill

Technique of Testing Large Cores of Oil Sand: ABSTRACT

F. B. Plummer, Paul Tapp