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AAPG Bulletin
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Traverse Rocks of Thunder Bay Region, Michigan
Alfred S. Warthin, Jr. , G. Arthur Cooper
Subsurface Stratigraphy and Lithology of Tuscaloosa Formation in Southeastern Gulf Coastal Plain
Arthur C. Munyan
Stratigraphy and Age of Seguin Formation of Central Texas
M. W. Beckman , F. E. Turner
Origin of Siliceous Dockum Conglomerates
Robert Roth
Upper Desmoinesian and Lower Missourian Rocks in Northeastern Oklahoma and Southeastern Kansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Malcolm C. Oakes , John M. Jewett
Tertiary Sediments Northeast of Morgan Hill, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles M. Gilbert
Two Deep Water Wells Near Rapid City, South Dakota: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John Paul Gries
Survey of Geology Students: RESEARCH NOTE
A. I. Levorsen