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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Wildcat Drilling in 1942
Frederic H. Lahee
Review of Developments in 1942, Gulf Coast of Upper Texas and Louisiana
G. J. Smith
Developments in South Texas in 1942
Frith C. Owens , E. A. Taegel
Developments in West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico in 1942
Robert I. Dickey , Bernerd A. Ray
Developments in North and West-Central Texas in 1942
North Texas Geological Society
Developments in East Texas in 1942
R. M. Trowbridge , T. J. Burnett
Developments in Oklahoma in 1942
Joseph L. Borden
Developments in North Mid-Continent in 1942
Edward A. Koester
Developments in Eastern Interior Basin in 1942
Alfred H. Bell
Developments in Michigan in 1942
H. J. Hardenberg
Developments in Appalachian Area in 1942
Appalachian Geological Society
Developments in Rocky Mountain Region in 1942
R. M. Larsen
Oil Development Activities in California, 1942
George R. Kribbs
Calculating The True Thickness of a Folded Bed: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
G. D. Hobson
The Origin of the Carolina Bays: ERRATUM
Douglas Johnson