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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Discovery Thinking
A. I. Levorsen
The Petroleum Geologist in the War
Fritz L. Aurin
Economic Paleontology and Mineralogy--An Appraisal
Herschel L. Driver
Maintaining an Adequate Level of Geophysical Exploration
F. Goldstone
Reserves in Action
William B. Heroy
Some Factors Influencing the Declining Rate of Crude-Oil Discoveries--The Geologist's Responsibilities in the Present Situation
L. F. McCollum
Wartime Changes in Petroleum Industry
Richard J. Gonzalez
Developments in Southeastern United States in 1942
Mississippi Geological Society
Interpretation of Cable-Tool Drilling Logs: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
James F. Swain
Geological "Union Now": DISCUSSION
Carey Croneis
Origin of the Carolina Bays: DISCUSSION
Douglas Johnson