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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Regional Subsurface Stratigraphy and Structure of Florida and Southern Georgia
Paul L. Applin , Esther R. Applin
Fundamental Data on Subsurface Reservoirs: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
David Donoghue
Capillary-Gravity Equilibrium in Oil Reservoirs: ABSTRACT
Norris Johnson
Kettleman Hills North Dome: ABSTRACT
Martin Van Couvering
Petroleum Geology of Colombia, South America: ABSTRACT
Judson L. Anderson
Some California Tar Sand Deposits: ABSTRACT
Ben M. Page
Geology and Coal Resources of the Coos Bay Quadrangle, Oregon: ABSTRACT
John Eliot Allen, Ewart M. Baldwin
Oil for the Lamps of America: ABSTRACT
Mortimer Kline
Some Features of Santa Susana Thrust, Vicinity of Aliso Canyon Field, Los Angeles County, California: ABSTRACT
John C. Hazzard
Exploratory Activity and Oil and Gas Discoveries in California for First Nine Months of 1944: ABSTRACT
Albert Gregersen
Stratigraphy and Micropaleontology of the West Side of Imperial Valley, California: ABSTRACT
L. A. Tarbet, W. H. Holman