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AAPG Bulletin

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Geology of Katy Field, Waller, Harris, and Fort Bend Counties, Texas

A. P. Allison , R. L. Beckelhymer , Don G. Benson , R. M. Hutchins, Jr. (5), C. L. Lake (6), Ray C. Lewis (7), P. H. O'Bannon (8), S. R. Self (9), C. A. Warner (10)

Lower Pennsylvanian Terminology in Central Texas

R. C. Spivey , T. G. Roberts

Pre-Selma Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphy of Western Alabama

Watson H. Monroe, Louis C. Conant, D. Hoye Eargle

Stratigraphy of Upper Nehalem River Basin, Northwestern Oregon

W. C. Warren (^dagger), Hans Norbisrath (^dagger)

Fossil Plants and Jurassic-Cretaceous Boundary in Montana and Alberta

Roland W. Brown

Origin of Continental Shelves

J. H. F. Umbgrove

Geological Reconnaissance in Southeastern Peru

Victor Oppenheim

Interim Report of Research Committee: RESEARCH NOTES

S. W. Lowman

Rowell Well No. 1, Heidelberg Field, Mississippi: DISCUSSION

Lloyd W. Stephenson

East Texas Geological Society Field Trip, December 1 and 2, 1945: DISCUSSION

C. L. Moody