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AAPG Bulletin
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Studies on Redox Potential of Marine Sediments
Claude E. ZoBell
Miocene Conglomerates of Puente and San Jose Hills, California
A. O. Woodford , T. G. Moran , J. S. Shelton
Gramp's Field, Archuleta County, Colorado
W. A. Waldschmidt
Tectonic Framework of Northwestern South America
Fritz E. Von Estorff
San Pedro Oil Field, Province of Salta, Northern Argentina
Lyman C. Reed
Stratigraphy Near Caborca, Northwest Sonora, Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
G. Arthur Cooper , Alberto R. V. Arellano
Age of Penters Chert, Batesville District, Arkansas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Douglas M. Kinney
Conodonts from the Triassic of Sinai (Egypt): GEOLOGICAL NOTES
D. B. Eicher
Asphaltic Sands Found to Occur in Oil Fields: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
D. B. Taliaferro , K. E. Stanfield
Photography of Megafossils: DISCUSSION
Floyd K. Beach