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AAPG Bulletin
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Paleozoic and Mesozoic Stratigraphy of Northern Gros Ventre Mountains and Mount Leidy Highlands, Teton County, Wyoming
Helen L. Foster
Upper Ordovician Shales in Central Kansas
Hall Taylor
Mississippian Rocks of Meramec Age Along Alcan Highway, Northern British Columbia
Lowell R. Laudon , B. J. Chronic, Jr.
Equilibrium of Form and Forces in Tidal Basins of Coast of Texas and Louisiana
W. Armstrong Price
Revised Correlation of Jurassic Formations of Parts of Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, and Colorado: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
A. A. Baker, C. H. Dane, J. B. Reeside, Jr.
Classification of Faults: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Mason L. Hill
Triassic Deposits of Pecos Valley, Southeastern New Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Walter B. Lang
Preliminary Report on Salt Creek Field, Kern County, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. C. Beach
Paleogeography of South America: ERRATUM
L. G. Weeks