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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Appalachian and Alpine Structures--A Comparative Study
Augustin E. Lombard
Geology of Benton Field, Franklin County, Illinois
J. V. Howell
Submarine Sedimentary Features on Bahama Banks and Their Bearing on Distribution Patterns of Lenticular Oil Sands
John L. Rich
Petersburg Oil Pool, Hale County, Texas
R. W. Mallory
Submarine Geology of Ranger Bank, Mexico
K. O. Emery
Siletz River Volcanic Series, Northwestern Oregon
P. D. Snavely, Jr. , E. M. Baldwin
Hugoton Embayment of Anadarko Basin in Southwestern Kansas, Southeastern Colorado, and Oklahoma Panhandle: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John C. Maher , Jack B. Collins
Upper Devonian Bentonite in Tennessee: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Wilbert H. Hass