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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Social Trends in Science
Carroll E. Dobbin
Integration in Exploration
Cecil H. Green
Petroleum in European Recovery Program
Max W. Ball
Artesian Salt Formations
Bailey Willis
Correlation of Sentinel Butte Shale in Western North Dakota
Roland W. Brown
Geological Observations on Curacao, N.W.I.
H. P. Schaub
Description, Correlation, and Paleoecology of Tertiary Cipero Marl Formation, Trinidad, B.W.I.
R. M. Stainforth
Isopachous Maps of Sand Reservoirs
Jay B. Wharton, Jr.
Some Notes on Geology and Geologists, 1907-1947
Hugh D. Miser
Clarification of Upper Cambrian Stratigraphy in Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
E. A. Frederickson
Summary of Oil Production From Fractured Rock Reservoirs in California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. S. Eggleston