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AAPG Bulletin
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Appalachian Basin Ordovician Symposium: FOREWORD
John T. Galey
Summary of Middle Ordovician Bordering Allegheny Synclinorium
Marshall Kay
Cambrian and Ordovician Rocks in Michigan Basin and Adjoining Areas
George V. Cohee
New York Subsurface Geology
E. T. Heck
Subsurface Trenton and Sub-Trenton Rocks in Ohio, New York, Pennsylvania, and West Virginia
Charles R. Fettke
Trenton and Sub-Trenton of Outcrop Areas in New York, Pennsylvania, and Maryland
Frank M. Swartz
Trenton and Sub-Trenton Stratigraphy of Northwest Belts of Virginia and Tennessee
C. E. Prouty
Trenton and Pre-Trenton of Kentucky
A. C. McFarlan , W. H. White
Kentucky Subsurface
Coleman D. Hunter
Preliminary Report on Ramona Field, Los Angeles and Ventura Counties, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Loyal E. Nelson
Highlights on 1947 Development in Foreign Petroleum Fields: ERRATUM
L. G. Weeks