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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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The Geologist in Uniform: World War II
David M. Delo
Geology of West Tepetate Oil Field Jefferson Davis Parish, Louisiana
Fred W. Bates , Jay B. Wharton, Jr.
Structural Trends and Fault Systems in Eastern Interior Basin
Stuart K. Clark , James S. Royds
Stratigraphic Relations of Certain Jurassic Formations in Eastern Mexico
Ralph W. Imlay , Edmundo Cepeda , Manuel Alvarez , Teodor Diaz
Buried Topography, Initial Structures, and Sedimentation in Santa Rosalia Area, Baja California, Mexico
Ivan F. Wilson
Gas for the Future
Gail F. Moulton
New Approach in Study of Origin of Oil: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Ray P. Walters
Correlation of Sentinel Butte Shale in Western North Dakota: DISCUSSION
Ray V. Hennen