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AAPG Bulletin
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Interpretations of Foothills Structures, Alberta, Canada
Theodore A. Link
Devonian and Mississippian Stratigraphy, Wapiti Lake Area, British Columbia, Canada
L. R. Laudon , Elgin Deidrick, Edwin Grey, Warren B. Hamilton, Paul J. Lewis, William McBee, A. C. Spreng, Roger Stoneburner
Geology and Petroleum Exploration in Magallanes Province, Chile
C. R. Thomas
Manantiales Field, Magallanes Province, Chile
C. R. Thomas
Brazilian Oil Fields and Oil-Shale Reserves
S. Froes Abreu
Active-Surface Catalysts in Formation of Petroleum--II
Benjamin T. Brooks
Slide Rule for Computing Car Odometer Mileage from Road Logs: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Albert I. Ingham
Foraminifera of Franciscan (California): GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Martin F. Glaessner