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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Concerning Estimates of Potential Oil Reserves
L. G. Weeks
Cairo Field, Union County, Arkansas
Lawrence A. Goebel
San Ardo--A Stratigraphic Analysis of a California Oil Field
Thomas A. Baldwin
Jacksonian Stage
Grover E. Murray, Louis J. Wilbert, Jr.
Bolivar Geosyncline of Northwestern South America
W. E. Nygren
New Dip-Logging Method
F. G. Boucher , A. B. Hildebrandt , H. B. Hagen
New Method of Correlation by Resistivity Values of Electrical Logs
A. P. Claudet
Impregnating Sandstone Specimens with Thermosetting Plastics for Studies of Oil-Bearing Formations: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
William N. Lockwood