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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Tectonic Framework of Southeastern United States
Philip B. King
Mechanics of Appalachian Folding as Illustrated by Sequatchie Anticline, Tennessee and Alabama
John Rodgers
Oil and Gas in Arbuckle and Ellenburger Formations, Mid-Continent Region
John G. Bartram , W. C. Imbt , E. F. Shea
Pore-Space Reduction in Sandstones
Jane M. Taylor
Flow Markings, Groovings, and Intra-Stratal Crumplings as Criteria for Recognition of Slope Deposits, with Illustrations from Silurian Rocks of Wales
John Lyon Rich
Radioactivity Survey in Southwest France
E. N. Tiratsoo
Roumanian Crude Oils
H. Hlauschek
Use of Two-Color Column in Graphic Logs: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
David C. Maddox