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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Regional Aspects of Silurian and Devonian Subsurface Stratigraphy in Kentucky
Louise Barton Freeman
Mississippian and Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy, Confusion Range, West-Central Utah
Lawrence Ogden
Possible Lower Cretaceous Uplifting of Black Hills, Wyoming and South Dakota: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
A. J. Crowley
Recent Test Drilling, Snake River Plains, Southwestern Idaho: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Walter Youngquist , Thor H. Kilsgaard
Comparison Microscope--A Tool With Unique Possibility: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
James D. McLean, Jr.
Rock from Straits of Florida: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
James Bush
Enrollment of Geologists and Geophysicists in National Scientific Register: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
David M. Delo
Nature of Continental Shelves: DISCUSSION
G. M. Lees
Calculating Petroleum Reserves
Wallace E. Pratt