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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Geological History of Plains of Western Canada
J. B. Webb
Folded Faults in Rocky Mountain Foothills of Alberta, Canada
J. C. Scott
Useful Blairmore Microfossil Zone in Central and Southern Alberta, Canada
D. M. Loranger
Regional Stratigraphic Analysis of Devonian System in Wyoming, Montana, Southern Saskatchewan, and Alberta
John M. Andrichuk
Stratigraphic Reconnaissance Along Upper South Nahanni River, Northwest Territories, Canada
Dave R. Kingston
White Specks in Colorado Shale: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
A. J. Goodman
Recent Molluscan Association with Paleontologic and Stratigraphic Implications: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. Harlan Johnson , Helen L. Foster
Graptolites Indicate Second Penetration of Viola Limestone: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles E. Decker