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AAPG Bulletin
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Stratigraphic Significance of Graptolites of Athens Shale: PART 1
Charles E. Decker
Stratigraphic Significance of Graptolites of Athens Shale: PART 2
Charles E. Decker
Glenmora Field, Rapides Parish, Louisiana
Fred W. Bates , Robert R. Copeland, Jr.
Graptolites from Kentucky and Kaukauna, Wisconsin: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles E. Decker
Orientation of Cores by Bit Marks: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
K. W. Barr , H. S. Conder , G. S. Carter
Santa Rosa Buried Island, New Mexico, in Relation to Structural Trends: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
James H. Gardner
Note 13--Third Congress of Carboniferous Stratigraphy and Geology: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION
James Steele Williams , Aureal T. Cross
Regressive Bioherm Theory and Capitan Reef: DISCUSSION
A. J. Whiteman , Theodore A. Link
Regressive Bioherm Theory and Capitan Reef: REPLY
Theodore A. Link