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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Paleofacies, the Geologist's New Tool
T. H. Philpott
Geophysical Exploration Comes of Age
Sigmund Hammer
Our Inexhaustible Resources
Eugene Holman
Petroleum Developments in South America and Caribbean Area in 1951
John F. Mason
Petroleum Developments in Europe in 1951
F. E. Von Estorff
Petroleum Developments in Africa in 1951
Hollis D. Hedberg
Petroleum Developments in Middle East and Adjacent Countries in 1951
Richard C. Kerr , John O. Nigra
Petroleum Developments in Far East in 1951
George F. Barnwell
Oklahoma Well Core Shows Graptolites Through 400 Feet of Viola Limestone: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles E. Decker
Significance of Alkalic Igneous Rocks in Wells in West Texas and Southeast New Mexico
Peter T. Flawn
Another Tertiary Crustal Disturbance in Central Utah: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
William N. Gilliland
Pennsylvanian and Permian(?) Contact in Subsurface Scurry Reef, Scurry County, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. A. Heck, K. A. Yenne, L. G. Henbest