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AAPG Bulletin
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Significance of Oil and Gas Seeps in World Oil Exploration
Walter K. Link
Eolian Sand Control
Richard C. Kerr, John O. Nigra
Structure and Origin of Northern Sangre De Cristo Range, Colorado
John W. Gabelman
Geology and Oil Fields of Brazil
Earle F. Taylor
Report 2--Nature, Usage, and Nomenclature of Time-Stratigraphic and Geologic-Time Units: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION
American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
Texas Graptolites Change Supposed Devonian Zone to Silurian: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles E. Decker
Oil Production from Traverse Group of Southwestern Michigan: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Dorothy W. Davis
Gym Limestone, New Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
V. C. Kelley , L. E. Bogart
The Obligation of Petroleum Technologists: ABSTRACT
H. H. Kaveler
Regional Geology of the Pennsylvanian in the Mid-Continent Area: ABSTRACT
John G. Bartram
Oil Development and Possibilities of Springer Sandstones: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Beams
History and Petroleum Geology of the Early Pennsylvanian Rocks in Eastern Kansas and Eastern Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
T. E. Weirich
Paleozoic Beds South and East of the Ouachita Folded Belt: ABSTRACT
Henry J. Morgan, Jr.
Atoka Series in North Central Texas: ABSTRACT
Beverly McMahon
Development in the Williston Basin: ABSTRACT
Herbert D. Hadley
Oil and Gas Development in the Denver-Julesburg Basin: ABSTRACT
Harry L. Thomsen
Oil Discovery--Past, Present, and Future: ABSTRACT
P. R. Schultz
Geophysics in the Mid-Continent Area--Present and Future: ABSTRACT
G. H. Westby, H. M. Thralls
Present Activity and Petroleum Possibilities in the Arkansas Valley: ABSTRACT
N. F. Williams
Geophysical Case History of the Elk City Field: ABSTRACT
R. F. Christy
Petrography of the Producing Sands of the Elk City Field: ABSTRACT
R. V. Ward
Stratigraphy and Tectonics of Washita, Beckham, and Roger Mills Counties, Oklahoma: ABSTRACT
Robert P. McNeal
Permian and Pennsylvanian Rocks of Southeastern Colorado: ABSTRACT
John C. Maher
North-South Stratigraphic Section Through Panhandle Region of Texas: ABSTRACT
Stratigraphic Committee
Regional Setting of Pennsylvanian and Mississippian Production in Southwestern Kansas: ABSTRACT
Tomlinson, Kathol, Emmerich