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AAPG Bulletin
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Geology and Petroleum Possibilities in Canadian Arctic Islands
Y. O. Fortier , A. H. McNair , R. Thorsteinsson
Geological Significance of Discovery of Oil at Rough Range, Western Australia
M. A. Condon
South Glenrock, A Wyoming Stratigraphic Oil Field
Wm. H. Curry, Jr. , Wm. H. Curry, III
Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy of Paradox Salt Basin, Four Corners Region, Colorado and Utah
Sherman A. Wengerd , John W. Strickland
Association of Uranium and Other Metals with Crude Oil, Asphalt, and Petroliferous Rock
R. L. Erickson , A. T. Myers , C. A. Horr
Correlation of Non-Marine Cenozoic of Utah: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Daniel J. Jones , M. Dane Picard , John C. Wyeth
Evidence for Possible Marine Tertiary(?) Sediments in Central Alaska: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Troy L. Pewe
Piercement Domes in Canadian Arctic: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Wm. C. Gussow
Verification of Tortuosity Equations: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
S. R. Faris , L. S. Gournay , L. B. Lipson , T. S. Webb (5)
Relation Rmf/Rm in Resistive Drilling Muds: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John Logan
Lithofacies and Suggested Depositional Environment of Lyons Sandstone and Lykins Formation in Southeastern Colorado: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John C. Maher