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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Cretaceous Rocks of Williston Basin
John Paul Gries
Jurassic System in Williston Basin
Donald Towse
Marine Upper Jurassic, Eastern Wyoming
James A. Peterson
Pennsylvanian and Lower Permian of Northern and Eastern Wyoming
Robert S. Agatston
Ecology of Foraminifera and Associated Microorganisms from Mississippi Sound and Environs
Fred B Phleger
Ecology of Foraminifera and Associated Micro-Organisms from Mississippi Sound and Environs: ADDENDUM
Relative Abundance of Common Sediments in Anadarko Basin of Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John Bokman
Nature, Usage, and Nomenclature of Stratigraphic Units: A Minority Report: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION
John Rodgers
Tohatchi Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: DISCUSSION
Caswell Silver
Tohatchi Formation, San Juan Basin, New Mexico: DISCUSSION
John Eliot Allen