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AAPG Bulletin

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Source-Bed Problem in Velasquez Field, Colombia

W. S. Olson

Oil Production from Upper Tertiary Fresh-Water Deposits of West Pakistan

E. S. Pinfold

Occurrence of Oil and Gas and Its Relation to Possible Source Beds in Continental Tertiary of Intermountain Region

Wayne M. Felts

Origin of Hydrocarbons of Uinta Basin, Utah

John M. Hunt , Francis Stewart , Parke A. Dickey

Oil Occurrences in Coal Measures of England

P. E. Kent

World Oil Prospects--From a Geological Viewpoint

Hollis D. Hedberg

New Exploration Possibilities on Piercement-Type Salt Domes Established by Thrust Fault at Boling Salt Dome, Wharton County, Texas

Michel T. Halbouty , George C. Hardin, Jr.

Cretaceous and Pleistocene Section in Northern End of Mississippi Embayment

Berlen C. Moneymaker , Leland F. Grant

Correlation of Maroon Formation in Crystal River Valley, Gunnison, Pitkin, and Garfield Counties, Colorado

Ralph L. Langenheim, Jr.

Age and Stratigraphic Relations of Ignacio Quartzite in Southwestern Colorado

Harley Barnes

Sedimentary Environments Differentiated by Coarse-Fraction Studies

F. P. Shepard, D. G. Moore

Spectrographic Determination of CaO and MgO in Limestone and Dolomite: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

L. L. Anderson, B. C. Aschenbrenner

Markings on Joint Surfaces in Anglesea Member of Demon's Bluff Formation, Anglesea, Victoria: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

H. G. Raggatt

Large Sink Holes in Straits of Florida: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

G. F. Jordan

Tongue of Weber Sandstone in Maroon Formation Near Carbondale and Redstone, Northwestern Colorado: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

John R. Donnell

Bidahochi Formation of Arizona and New Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Charles A. Repenning, James H. Irwin

Exploratory Drilling in 1953: ERRATUM

F. H. Lahee

Problem of Tohatchi Formation, Chuska Mountains, Arizona-New Mexico: DISCUSSION

H. E. Wright, Jr.

Tohachi Shale, Mesaverde Group, Western San Juan Basin, New Mexico: DISCUSSION

Charles A. Repenning