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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Pennsylvanian Conglomerates, Structure, and Orogenic History of Lake Classen Area, Arbuckle Mountains, Oklahoma

Robert J. Dunham

Jurassic Rocks in Kansas

Daniel F. Merriam

Correlation of Insoluble Residue Zones of Upper Arbuckle of Missouri and Southern Kansas

Earl McCracken

Lithofacies Map of Lower Silurian Deposits in Central and Eastern United States and Canada

Thomas W. Amsden

Subsurface Stratigraphy and Lithology of Green River Formation in Uinta Basin, Utah

M. Dane Picard

Eagle River Anticline, Eagle County, Colorado: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

John C. Benson , N. Wood Bass

Delta Formation: DISCUSSION

C. H. Crickmay

Delta Formation: REPLY TO C. H. CRICKMAY

Charles C. Bates

Delta Formation: REBUTTAL

C. H. Crickmay

Delta Formation: CLOSING REMARKS

Charles C. Bates

Sea Floor off Southern California: ABSTRACT

K. O. Emery

Matching Land and Sea Floor Topography and Structures off California: ABSTRACT

Henry W. Menard

Review of Pacific Coast Off-Shore Seismic Methods: ABSTRACT

Carl H. Savit

Recent Developments in Submarine Coring: ABSTRACT

W. W. Rand

National Affairs of the Association: ABSTRACT

Edward A. Koester

Single-Boat Marine Seismic Surveying: ABSTRACT

Neil W. MANN

Geological Diving: ABSTRACT

Robert F. Dill

Gravity-Meter Exploration in Marine Seas: ABSTRACT

Eugene Frowe

Drilling Platforms and Islands: ABSTRACT

D. S. Hare

California's Submerged Lands, Past, Present, and Future: ABSTRACT

Frank Hortig

Wildcat Round Table: ABSTRACT

J. F. Curran

World Crude-Oil Reserves: ABSTRACT

G. M. Knebel

Yolo County Gas Fields: ABSTRACT

Sargent M. Reynolds

Castaic Hills Field: ABSTRACT

Harold Stark

Some Geological Features of Irvine Ranch: ABSTRACT

G. C. Kuffel

Geology of Central Panamint Range: ABSTRACT

D. H. Sears

Geology of Railroad Valley and Vicinity, Nevada: ABSTRACT

R. C. Spivey

Old River Field, Kern County, California: ABSTRACT

Horace Harrington