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AAPG Bulletin
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Geology of Northwestern Alberta and Adjacent Areas
J. Law
Geology of Northwestern Alberta and Adjacent Areas: DISCUSSION
C. Warren Hunt
Geology of Northwestern Alberta and Adjacent Areas: REPLY TO DISCUSSION
J. Law
Permo-Pennsylvanian Formations Between Laramie Mountains, Wyoming, and Black Hills, South Dakota
Robert L. Bates
Correlation of Mesozoic Formations of Utah
Wm. Lee Stokes , James A. Peterson , M. Dane Picard
Brackish Water and its Structural Implications in Great Carolina Ridge, North Carolina
H. E. LeGrand
Folding of Unmetamorphosed Strata Superjacent to Massive Basement Rocks
Frank S. Hudson
Submarine Sliding in Western Venezuela
O. Renz , R. Lakeman , E. Van Der Meulen
Ages of Tertiary Formations in Northwest Peru
R. M. Stainforth
Fusulinid-Bearing Rocks in Sublett Range, Southern Idaho: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Walter Youngquist , Jerald R. Haegele
Solution-Widened Joints in Trans-Pecos Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Laurence H. Lattman, Wilds W. Olive
Revised Correlation of Koontz Coal and Pennsylvanian-Permian Boundary in Georges Creek Basin, Allegany County, Maryland: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
H. L. Berryhill, Jr. , Wallace de Witt, Jr.