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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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History of Concepts of Gulf Coast Salt-Dome Formation
L. L. Nettleton
Model Studies of Salt-Dome Tectonics
Travis J. Parker , A. N. McDowell
Paleogeographic Reconstructions from Cross-Bedding Studies
William F. Tanner
Wilshire Ellenburger Field, Upton County, Texas
M. A. Colligan , J. Q. Tomkins
Orleansville Earthquake and Turbidity Currents
Bruce C. Heezen , Maurice Ewing
Revisions in Correlation and Nomenclature of Triassic and Jurassic Formations in Southwestern Utah and Northern Arizona: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Paul Averitt , Janis S. Detterman , John W. Harshbarger , Charles A. Repenning , Richard F. Wilson
Two Suggested Rules for Stratigraphic Nomenclature: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Robert E. Stevenson
List of Guidebooks and Special Publications of Geological Societies Affiliated or Cooperating with American Association of Petroleum Geologists: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
William N. Gilliland