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AAPG Bulletin
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Little Beaver Field, Colorado, a Stratigraphic, Structural, and Sedimentation Problem
George H. Fentress
Distribution of Reefs of Woodbend Group in Alberta, Canada
John A. Downing , D. Y. Cooke
Cenezoic Geology of Southeastern Alabama, Florida, and Georgia
Lyman D. Toulmin
Deep-Sea Channels, Topography, and Sedimentation
Henry W. Menard, Jr.
Sandstone in New Mexico Room of Carlsbad Caverns, New Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
William R. Moran
Pennsylvanian Stratigraphy of Paradox Salt Basin, Four Corners Region, Colorado and Utah: CORRECTION
Sherman A. Wengerd
Differential Entrapment of Oil and Gas: DISCUSSION
Joseph S. Irwin
Verification of Tortuosity Equations: DISCUSSION
M. R. J. Wyllie
Verification of Tortuosity Equations: CORRECTION
S. R. Faris
Moodys Branch-Cockfield Contact in Sabine Parish, Louisiana, and Adjacent Areas: CORRECTION
Robert C. Treadwell