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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Facies of Middle and Upper Ordovician Rocks of Iowa
Allen F. Agnew
Pennsylvanian Rocks of Eastern Interior Basin
Harold R. Wanless
Geologic Framework of Gulf Coastal Plain of Texas
J. A. Waters , P. W. McFarland , J. W. Lea
Paleogeologic Map at Base of Woodford, and Hunton Isopachous Map of Oklahoma
Russell S. Tarr
Report 3--Nature, Usage, and Nomenclature of Time-Stratigraphic and Geologic-Time Units as Applied to the Precambrian: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION
American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
Note 16--Records of the Stratigraphic Commission for 1953-1954: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION
American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature
Subsurface Outliers of Chattanooga Shale in Northeastern Mississippi: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Frederick F. Mellen
Trilobites in "Metamorphic" Rocks of El Baul, Venezuela: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Emile Rod
Selected Statistical Uses of A.A.P.G. Membership List: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Robert E. Megill
Results of 1955 Nationwide Geology Examination Offered by United States Civil Service Commission: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
R. E. Van Alstine
Exploratory Drilling in 1954: ERRATUM
Frederic H. Lahee
Physical Limits of Glauconite Formation: DISCUSSION
H. P. Schaub
Physical Limits of Glauconite Formation: COMMENT
Preston E. Cloud, Jr. (7)
Origin and Current Usage of the Term, "Connate Water": DISCUSSION
L. C. Case