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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Recent Marine Sediments and Environments of Northwest Gulf of Mexico

Norman N. Greenman , Rufus J. LeBlanc

Conditions of Deposition of Palliser (Devonian) Limestone of Southwestern Alberta

F. W. Beales

Clay Mineralogy of Morrison Formation, Black Hills Area, Wyoming and South Dakota

Ronald Warren Tank

Seymour Strawn and Caddo Fields, Baylor County, Texas

Fred R. Haeberle

Nummoloculina in Lower Cretaceous of Texas and Louisiana

James E. Conkin , Barbara M. Conkin

Geochemical Investigation of Crude Oils

Lawrence C. Bonham

Colloidal Method for Concentration of Carbonaceous Matter from Rocks

Maurice Deul

Surface Correlation of Some Pennsylvanian Limestones in Mid-Continent by Thermoluminescence

Robert E. Bergstrom

Thermoluminescence of Limestones of Mississippian Madison Group in Montana and Utah

C. W. Pitrat

Classification of Porosity and Fractures in Reservoir Rocks

W. A. Waldschmidt , P. E. Fitzgerald , C. L. Lunsford

Hydrocarbons in Sediments of Gulf of Mexico

Nelson P. Stevens , Ellis E. Bray , Ernest D. Evans

Heavy-Mineral Techniques and Their Application to Venezuelan Stratigraphy

Gustavo Feo-Codecido

Cretaceous Rocks Along Part of Southeast Boundary of Glacier National Park, Montana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

W. A. Cobban

Local Lithologic Discontinuities in Reelsville (Lower Chester) Limestone of Indiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Henry H. Gray , T. G. Perry

Graphical Template for Determination of Dip from Aerial Vertical Photographs: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Richard L. Threet

Integration of Geological Data on Seismic Sections: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

L. F. Ivanhoe

Slides and Hinge Lines in Central Venezuela: DISCUSSION

M. Kamen-Kaye

Ages of Tertiary Formations in Northwest Peru: DISCUSSION

A. J. Knights