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AAPG Bulletin
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Devonian Stratigraphy of Sulphur Springs and Pinyon Ranges, Nevada
Donald Carlisle , M. A. Murphy , C. A. Nelson , E. L. Winterer
Marine Triassic Stratigraphy in Eastern Great Basin
David L. Clark
Early Paleozoic Strata in Southeastern Arizona
R. C. Epis , C. M. Gilbert
Upper Devonian Swisshelm Formation of Southeastern Arizona
R. C. Epis , C. M. Gilbert , R. L. Langenheim
Mississippian Joana Limestone of Cordilleran Miogeosyncline and Use of Ca/Mg Ratio in Correlation
George V. Chilingar , Harold J. Bissell
New Developments on Age and Extent of Ouray Limestone
R. L. Knight , D. L. Baars
Franciscan Group in Coast Ranges and Its Equivalents in Sacramento Valley, California
William P. Irwin
Devonian Section at Bowmanstown, Pennsylvania
Bradford Willard
Chronology of Appalachian Folding
Herbert P. Woodward
Stratigraphy of Comanchean Cretaceous Trinity Group
James Morris Forgotson, Jr.
Green Shale Facies, Lower Green River Formation, Utah: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
M. Dane Picard
Middle Permian Limestone on Pacific Side of Alaska Peninsula: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Bernold M. Hanson