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AAPG Bulletin
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Paleozoic Rocks of North-Central Nevada
Ralph J. Roberts, Preston E. Hotz, James Gilluly, H. G. Ferguson
Organic Materials of Early Middle Devonian, Mt. Union Area, Pennsylvania
Frederick M. Swain
Experimental Deformation of Sedimentary Rocks Under Confining Pressure: Tests at High Temperature
John Handin , Rex V. Hager, Jr.
Summary of Oil Occurrence in Anahuac and Frio Formations of Texas and Louisiana
Ray A. Burke
Recent Studies of South Persian Salt Plugs
P. E. Kent
Stratigraphy of Cuyama Valley-Caliente Range Area, California
Mason L. Hill , Stanley A. Carlson , Thomas W. Dibblee, Jr.
"Finger-Print" Pattern on Certain Calcareous Soils--A Suggestion: DISCUSSION
Keith A. W. Crook