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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Preservation of Chlorophyll Derivatives in Sediments Off Southern California

Wilson L. Orr , K. O. Emery , John R. Grady

Rate of Migration of Petroleum by Proposed Mechanisms

J. G. Roof , W. M. Rutherford

Environmental Studies of Carboniferous Sediments. Part II: Application of Geochemical Criteria

E. T. Degens, E. G. Williams, M. L. Keith

Carbon Isotopic Compositions of Petroleums and Other Sedimentary Organic Materials

Sol R. Silverman , Samuel Epstein

Chester Cross-Bedding and Sandstone Trends in Illinois Basin

Paul Edwin Potter , Edmund Nosow , Ned M. Smith , David H. Swann , Frank H. Walker


Harry E. Wheeler

Cold- and Deep-Water Coral Banks

Curt Teichert

System in Photogeology

Ronald R. Hartman , Kalman N. Isaacs

Unfolding--A Bending Process: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Vincent C. Kelley , Robert Del Mar