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AAPG Bulletin
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Petroleum Developments in Mexico in 1957
Eduardo J. Guzman , Federico Mina U.
Petroleum Developments in South America and Caribbean Area in 1957
E. W. Clark
Petroleum Developments in Europe in 1957
Robert E. King
Petroleum Developments in Africa in 1957
Hollis D. Hedberg
Petroleum Developments in Middle East and Adjacent Countries in 1957
Henry Hotchkiss
Petroleum Developments in Far East in 1957
Godfrey F. Kaufmann
Geologic Cross Sections Sponsored by Geological Societies Affiliated or Cooperating with American Association of Petroleum Geologists During 1957: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
W. L. Adkison
Special Publications and Guidebooks Published in 1957 by Societies Affiliated or Cooperating with American Association of Petroleum Geologists: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
William N. Gilliland
Problems of Boulder Beds of Haymond Formation, Marathon Basin, Texas: DISCUSSION
Philip B. King
Genesis of Haymond Boulder Beds: DISCUSSION
Peter T. Flawn