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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Application of Geology in Computing Depletion of Producing Properties
Thomas C. Hiestand
Can Petroleum be of Pedogenic Origin?
Robert B. Cate, Jr.
Tarzana Fan, Deep Submarine Fan of Late Miocene Age Los Angeles County, California
Harold H. Sullwold, Jr.
Depositional and Structural History of Northwest Hartburg Field, Newton County, Texas
Max Bornhauser
Relation of Environmental Energy Levels and Ostracod Biofacies in East Mississippi Delta Area
Doris Malkin Curtis
Stratigraphic Variation in Some Allegheny Rocks of Western Pennsylvania: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. C. Ferm , E. G. Williams
Suggestion for Streamlining A.A.P.G. Annual Meetings: DISCUSSION
Lewis G. Weeks
Research in Organic Geochemistry: DISCUSSION
Lewis G. Weeks
How can Duplication of Names of Major Structural Features be Avoided?: DISCUSSION
Alfred H. Bell
Problems of Fault Nomenclature: DISCUSSION
Donald H. Kupfer