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AAPG Bulletin
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Intrusive Shale Dome in South Thornwell Field, Jefferson Davis and Cameron Parishes, Louisiana
C. B. Roach
Palynologic Correlations in Cretaceous Eagle Ford Group, Northeast Texas
C. W. Brown , R. L. Pierce
Development of Cumberland Overthrust Block in Vicinity of Chestnut Ridge Fenster in Southwest Virginia
Leonard D. Harris , Isidore Zietz
Main Body of Wasatch Formation Near La Barge, Wyoming
Steven S. Oriel
Paleozoic Sequence in Eastern Brooks Range, Alaska
W. P. Brosge , J. T. Dutro, Jr. , M. D. Mangus , H. N. Reiser
Effects of Lateral Faulting on Oil Exploration
William Henry Corey
Structural Analysis, and Geometrical Prediction for Change of Form with Depth, of Some Arabian Plains-Type Folds
W. Sugden
Open and Closed Number Systems in Stratigraphic Mapping
W. C. Krumbein
Distribution of Low Molecular-Weight Hydrocarbons in Recent and Ancient Sediments: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
M. L. Dunton , J. M. Hunt
Proposed Stratigraphic Nomenclature for Lockport Formation (Middle Silurian) in New York State: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Donald H. Zenger
Differential Isostatic Rebound--Possible Mechanism for Fault Reflection Through Glacial Drift: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Robert H. Barton
Palimpsest Drainage and Chungchou Photogeologic Anomaly, Taiwan: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Arthur D. Howard