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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Tectonic Trends in Sierra De Perija and Adjacent Parts of Venezuela and Colombia
John B. Miller
Geology and Oil Occurrence, Southeast Turkey
P. G. Temple , L. J. Perry
Analytical Problems in Determining Hydrocarbons in Sediments
William S. Ferguson
Organic Geochemistry of Cherokee Group in Southeastern Kansas and Northeastern Oklahoma
Donald R. Baker
Normal Paraffin Hydrocarbons in Sediments from San Francisco Bay, California
Keith A. Kvenvolden
Stratigraphy of Non-Marine Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous Rocks, Southern Big Horn Mountains, Wyoming
Arthur Mirsky
Occurrence and Origin of Mississippian Gas in Four Corners Region
M. Dane Picard , Heinrich D. Holland
Comparison of Some Ordovician Limestones
William B. N. Berry
Crustal Structure of Texas Coastal Plain Region
Ira H. Cram, Jr.
Permian Tectonic History in Glass Mountains, Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Charles A. Ross
Age of Karla Kay Conglomerate Member of Burro Canyon Formation, Colorado and Utah: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
R. B. O'Sullivan
Occurrence of Lower Cretaceous Sediments in New Jersey: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Johan J. Groot , Thomas C. Gray
Reconstruction of Flexure Folds by Concentric-Arc Method: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
C. G. Higgins
Reconnaissance Geology of Maria Cleopha Island, Tres Marias Islands, Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Richard M. Foose
Results of 1962 Nationwide Geology Examination Offered by United States Civil Service Commission: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Gilbert Corwin