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AAPG Bulletin
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Stratigraphy Along Chattahoochee River, Connecting Link Between Atlantic and the Gulf Coastal Plains
Lyman D. Toulmin , Philip E. LaMoreaux
Geometry, Paleontology, and Petrography of Thornton Reef Complex, Silurian of Northeastern Illinois
Jerome J. C. Ingels
Rosedale Channel--Evidence for Late Miocene Submarine Erosion in Great Valley of California
Bruce D. Martin
Biogeographic Units as Biostratigraphic Units
James W. Valentine
Geology and Stratigraphy of Clarke Lake Gas Field, British Columbia
Frank F. Gray , J. R. Kassube
Fluid Dynamics of Viscous Buckling Applicable to Folding of Layered Rocks
Hans Ramberg
Revision of Cretaceous Stratigraphy in Patagonian Cordillera of Ultima Esperanza, Magallanes Province, Chile
Hans R. Katz
Isotopic Organic Carbon Composition of Recent Continental Derived Clastic Sediments of Eastern Gulf Coast, Gulf of Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
William M. Sackett , Robert R. Thompson
Comparison of Modern and Ancient Beaches, Central Georgia Coast: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John H. Hoyt , Robert J. Weimer