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AAPG Bulletin

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Experimental Deformation of Sedimentary Rocks Under Confining Pressure: Pore Pressure Tests

John Handin , Rex V. Hager, Jr. , Melvin Friedman , James N. Feather

Analysis of Petroleum Potential Through Regional Geologic Synthesis

W. W. Mallory

Stratigraphic Distribution of Some Residual Organic Compounds in Upper Jurassic

Frederick M. Swain

Stratigraphic Change in Organic Composition Demonstrated by Oil Specific Gravity-Depth Correlation in Tertiary Green River Oil Shales, Colorado

John Ward Smith

Late Precambrian Metasedimentary Rocks of Egan Range, Nevada

Lee A. Woodward

Quantitative Analysis of Ordovician and Younger Structural

Charles W. Wilson, Jr. , Richard G. Stearns

Departure Curves for Computing Paleosalinity from Boron in Illites and Shales

Charles T. Walker , Norman B. Price

Exploration in Perspective

John A. Wolfe

Discussion of the Stratigraphic Code: Beacon or Gospel?: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION

The Geologic Names Committee

Discussion of the Stratigraphic Code: Capitalization: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION

George V. Cohee , John B. Patton

Report 7--Function and Jurisdictional Scope of the American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature: STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION

The Committee on Jurisdictional Scope , Kenneth E. Lohman

Career Opportunities in Geology: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Orlo E. Childs

Buried Granite in Mississippi: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Rodger E. Denison , William R. Muehlberger

Nato Advanced Study Institute on Palaeoclimates: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Matthew H. Nitecki

Discussion: Petroleum Developments in Southwest Pacific Region During 1961: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

H. G. Raggatt