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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Petroleum Developments in Africa in 1963
J. D. Moody
Foraminiferal Biofacies in Sediments of Gulf of Batabano, Cuba, and Their Geologic Significance
Orville L. Bandy
Molluscan Biofacies in Calcareous Sediments, Gulf of Batabano, Cuba
Cortez W. Hoskins
Subsurface Structure and Stratigraphy of Kent Bayou-Turtle Bayou-North Turtle Bayou Complex, Terrebonne Parish, Louisiana
Robert T. Sellars, Jr.
Age of "Basal Mesozoic" Redbeds in North-Central Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Brent Watson
Petroleum in Carbonate Rocks: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Edgar W. Owen
Ottawa Should be a Middle Ordovician Group: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
C. G. Winder