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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Geologic Aspects of Origin of Petroleum

Hollis D. Hedberg

Core Resistivity Profiles and Their Bearing on Dipmeter Survey Interpretation

Z. V. Jizba , W. C. Campbell , T. W. Todd

Foraminiferal Ratios and Regional Environments

F. G. Stehli , W. B. Creath

Electronic Storage, Retrieval, and Processing of Well Data

E. L. Dillon

Preparation of a Technical Article

Julian W. Low , Jules Braunstein

Subdivision of Miocene: DISCUSSION

R. M. Stainforth

Subdivision of Miocene: REPLY

Orville L. Bandy

Geologic History and Framework of Gulf-Atlantic Geosyncline: ABSTRACT

Grover E. Murray

United States Energy Outlook to 1975: ABSTRACT

John G. Winger

Geologic History of Rocky Mountain Region: ABSTRACT

John D. Haun, Harry C. Kent

Paleozoic Tectonic Framework of Western Canada Basin: ABSTRACT

L. David Grayston

Basement Influences of Tectonic Cycles in Basins: ABSTRACT

L. L. Sloss

Kaiparowits and Black Mesa Basins--Stratigraphic Synthesis: ABSTRACT

Ross H. Lessentine

Sedimentary History of San Juan Basin of New Mexico and Colorado: ABSTRACT

Richard A. Ullrich

Geologic History of Wind River Basin, Central Wyoming: ABSTRACT

William R. Keefer

Tectonic and Sedimentary History of Raton Basin and Notes on San Luis Basin: ABSTRACT

Elmer H. Baltz

Stratigraphy and Tectonic Features of Paradox Basin, Four Corners Area: ABSTRACT

H. R. Ohlen, L. B. McIntyre

Geologic History of Piceance--Eagle Basin: ABSTRACT

M. D. Quigley

Structural and Stratigraphic Development, Washakie and Sand Wash Basins, Wyoming and Colorado: ABSTRACT

Howard R. Ritzma

Resume of Depositional and Structural History of Western Montana: ABSTRACT

William J. McMannis

Geological History of Central and South-Central Montana: ABSTRACT

E. Earl Norwood

Tectonic Development of Idaho-Wyoming Thrust Belt: ABSTRACT

Frank C. Armstrong, Steven S. Oriel

Oquirrh and Phosphoria Basins in Northwestern Utah, Northeastern Nevada, and Southern Idaho: ABSTRACT

R. J. Roberts, E. W. Tooker, H. T. Morris, M. D. Crittenden, R. K. Hose, T. M. Cheney

Industrial Basis of Stratigraphical Geology: ABSTRACT

J. G. C. M. Fuller

Sedimentary Basins of Central and Southwestern New Mexico: ABSTRACT

Frank E. Kottlowski

Stratigraphic-Tectonic Development of Delaware Basin: ABSTRACT

John Emery Adams

Geologic History of Site of Uinta Basin, Utah: ABSTRACT

John C. Osmond

Denver Basin: ABSTRACT

C. A. Martin

Generalized History of Sedimentation and Structural Development of Big Horn Basin: ABSTRACT

Leonard E. Thomas

Geological History of the Powder River Basin, Wyoming: ABSTRACT

Bernard E. Weichman

Sedimentary and Tectonic History of North Dakota Portion of Williston Basin: ABSTRACT

S. B. Anderson, C. G. Carlson

Highlights of Exploration in Montana, April, 1963-July, 1964: ABSTRACT

Irvin Kranzler

Review of Exploration and Development in North and South Dakota; 1963 and First Half of 1964: ABSTRACT

Dan E. Hansen, John N. Klemer

Geological Exploration and Development in Wyoming, 1963-1964: ABSTRACT

Richard O. Donley

Exploration Activity and Oil and Gas Development in Utah, Nevada and Idaho since January 1, 1963: ABSTRACT

Robert P. Kunkel

Review of Exploration Activity, Eastern Colorado and Western Nebraska in 1963: ABSTRACT

Stuart C. Tapp

Exploration and Development Activity, Four Corners Area: ABSTRACT

H. W. Praetorius, D. L. Walker