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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Telluric Currents and Their Use in Petroleum Exploration
K. Vozoff , R. M. Ellis , M. D. Burke
Detailed Stratigraphic Control Through Dip Computations
J. A. Gilreath , J. J. Maricelli
Gravity Tectonics in Foothills Structure Belt of Southeast Turkey
M. Rigo de Righi , A. Cortesini
Correlation of New Zealand and European Middle Tertiary: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Paul Vella
Stratigraphic Correction of Electric Logs in Steep Inhole Dip Areas by Use of Dental Dam Technique: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
D. S. Stone
Influence of Depth, Temperature, and Geologic Age on Porosity of Quartzose Sandstone: DISCUSSION
Kenneth R. Walker
Influence of Depth, Temperature, and Geologic Age on Porosity of Quartzose Sandstone: REPLY
John C. Maxwell