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AAPG Bulletin
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Big Geology for Big Needs
A. I. Levorsen
Engineering Concepts Useful in Oil Finding
J. J. Arps
Pre-Trenton Sedimentation and Dolomitization, Cincinnati Arch Province: Theoretical Considerations
Warren L. Calvert
Lower Cretaceous-Upper Jurassic Stratigraphy of Umm Shaif Field, Abu Dhabi Marine Areas, Trucial Coast, Arabia
F. T. Banner , G. V. Wood
Paleosalinity in Upper Visean Yoredale Formation of England--Geochemical Method for Locating Porosity
C. T. Walker
Bruce C. Heezen , Charles L. Drake
Large Rectangular Cores from Submarine Canyons and Fan Valleys: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Arnold H. Bouma , Francis P. Shepard
Lower Cretaceous Orbitolina from East Potrillo Mountains, Dona Ana County, New Mexico: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Donald H. Lokke
Possible Mechanism for Concentration of Brines in Subsurface Formations: DISCUSSION
Gordon Rittenhouse
Possible Mechanism for Concentrations of Brines in Subsurface Formations: REPLY
J. D. Bredehoeft , W. A. White , G. B. Maxey