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AAPG Bulletin
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Paleomagnetic Correlation of Units Within Chugwater (Triassic) Formation, West-Central Wyoming
M. Dane Picard
Symmetry, Stratigraphy, and Petrography of Cyclic Cretaceous Deposits in San Juan Basin
Floyd F. Sabins, Jr.
Depositional Topography and Cyclic Deposition in West-Central Texas
William E. Jackson
Pore Geometry as Related to Carbonate Stratigraphic Traps
John L. Stout
Central Appalachian Tectonics and the Deep Basin
Herbert P. Woodward
New Permo-Carboniferous Nomenclature, Western Alberta and Adjacent Regions: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Alan McGugan
Exploration in Perspective: DISCUSSION
Crandall D. Jones
Structure of Winnfield Salt Dome, Winnfield Parish, Louisiana: DISCUSSION
Robert B. Hoy , Robert Kuhn
Peace River Arch: ABSTRACT
George de Mille
Comparison of Recent Shoreline Sedimentation with Stratigraphy of Upper Cretaceous Oil Fields, Rocky Mountain Area: ABSTRACT
Robert J. Weimer
Geochemical Exploration Techniques in U.S.S.R.: ABSTRACT
John M. Hunt