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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database

AAPG Bulletin

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Ely, Arcturus, and Park City Groups (Pennsylvanian-Permian) in Eastern Nevada and Western Utah

H. J. Bissell

Late Mississippian Rhythmic Sediments of Mississippi Valley

David H. Swann

Geology of Ray Sponaugle Well, Pendleton County, West Virginia

William J. Perry, Jr.

Subdivision of San Lorenzo Formation (Eocene-Oligocene) West-Central California

Earl E. Brabb

Evolution of Eastern Greater Antillean Island Arc

Thomas W. Donnelly

Influence of Depth, Temperature, and Geologic Age on Porosity of Quartzose Sandstone

John C. Maxwell

Note 30 Application to American Commission on Stratigraphic Nomenclature for an Amendment of Article 31, Remark (b) of the Code of Stratigraphic Nomenclature on Misuse of the Term "Stage": STRATIGRAPHIC COMMISSION

Gerald M. Richmond, John G. Fyles

Oil Yields of Devonian New Albany Shales, Kentucky: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

John Ward Smith , Kenneth E. Stanfield

Age and Stratigraphic Implications of Major Fault in Llano Region, Central Texas: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Tom Freeman , Garner L. Wilde

Stratigraphy of Lincoln Parish, Louisiana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Wade Meade

Fayetteville "Buried Triassic Basin": GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Robert G. Schipf

Responsibility of The Petroleum Professional to Participate in Public Affairs: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Michel T. Halbouty

Paleozoic Rocks of Merida Andes, Venezuela, by Compania Shell de Venezuela and Creole Petroleum Corporation: DISCUSSION

Victor Oppenheim

Paleozoic Rocks of Merida Andes, Venezuela, by Compania Shell de Venezuela and Creole Petroleum Corporation: RESPONSE

R. M. Stainforth