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AAPG Bulletin

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Basement--Not the Bottom but the Beginning

Peter T. Flawn

Structural Trends in Canadian Shield

C. H. Stockwell

Geology of Basement in Midwestern United States

A. J. Rudman , C. H. Summerson , W. J. Hinze

Tectonic History of Boothia Uplift and Cornwallis Fold Belt, Arctic Canada

J. W. Kerr , R. L. Christie

Basement Rocks and Structural Evolution of Southern Oklahoma--A Summary

William E. Ham , Rodger E. Denison , Clifford A. Merritt

Genetic and Geometric Relations Between Structures in Basement and Overlying Sedimentary Rocks, with Examples from Colorado Plateau and Wyoming

Robert A. Hodgson

Basement Control of Keweenawan and Cambrian Sedimentation in Lake Superior Region

W. K. Hamblin

Geophysical Observations on Sediments and Basement Structure Underlying Sable Island, Nova Scotia

J. Berger, J. E. Blanchard, M. J. Keen, R. E. McAllister, C. F. Tsong

Basement-Controlled Deformation in Wyoming Province of Rocky Mountains Foreland

John James Prucha , John A. Graham , Richard P. Nickelsen

Basement Influence on Later Deformation: The Problem, Techniques of Investigation, and Examples from Bighorn Mountains, Wyoming

Richard A. Hoppin , John C. Palmquist

Osmosis in Argillaceous Rocks: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Allen Young , Philip F. Low

Sidelights on the History of Petroleum Geology--Wallace E. Pratt: GEOLOGICAL NOTES

Edgar W. Owen

Lunar Exploration: ABSTRACT

R. J. Allenby

Post-Miocene Faunas of Northwestern Baja California and Adjacent Alta California: ABSTRACT

Edwin C. Allison

Ecology of San Francisco Bay: ABSTRACT

Robert E. Arnal

Biological Observations on Some Mediterranean Foraminifera and Related Protozoans: ABSTRACT

Zach M. Arnold

Seismological Signal Processing: ABSTRACT

Milo M. Backus

Pacific Offshore Exploration 1949-1965: ABSTRACT

Thomas A. Baldwin

Restrictions of the Orbulinid Datum: ABSTRACT

Orville L. Bandy

Foraminiferal Biofacies, Santa Monica Bay, California: ABSTRACT

Orville L. Bandy, James C. Ingle, Jr., Johanna M. Resig

Biostratigraphic Highlights of some Deep Wells from Central-Southern San Joaquin Valley, California: ABSTRACT

R. Stanley Beck

Great Alaskan Earthquake and its After Effects: ABSTRACT

J. W. Bedford

New Foraminiferal Zonation, Upper Mesozoic, Sacramento Valley, California: ABSTRACT

Keith D. Berry

Review of Tertiary Stratigraphy and Foraminiferal Zonations of Western Washington State: ABSTRACT

Harold G. Billman

Stratigraphy, Structure, and Oil Possibilities in Monterey and Salinas Quadrangles, California: ABSTRACT

Oliver E. Bowen

Review of Biostratigraphy of Los Angeles Basin: ABSTRACT

Richard L. Brooks

Geological Value of Digital Processing in Highly Explored Areas: ABSTRACT

Kenneth E. Burg

Radiolarian Ecology in Waters off California Coast: ABSTRACT

Richard Casey

Foraminifera from Lower Cretaceous of Devils Den Area, Kern County, California: ABSTRACT

Clifford C. Church

Pliocene Gas and Oil in Semitropic-Trico Area, San Joaquin Valley, California: ABSTRACT

H. Victor Church

Middle and Late Miocene Paleoslope in Southeastern Caliente Range, California: ABSTRACT

H. Edward Clifton

Brentwood Field: ABSTRACT

Donald F. Collins, Donald C. Conner

Biostratigraphy of Santa Maria Area: ABSTRACT

F. Douglas Crawford

World-Wide Operations of "Vibroseis" System: ABSTRACT

John M. Crawford

Review of Coastal Stratigraphy of Oregon and Washington with Comments on 1965 Activity: ABSTRACT

Robert J. Deacon, Vernon C. Newton, Jr.

Upper Cretaceous Planktonic Foraminifera from West Side of Sacramento Valley: ABSTRACT

Robert Douglas

Foraminiferal Trends in South Sandwich Trench: ABSTRACT

Ronald J. Echols

Gravity and Compaction Anticlines in Highly Explored Areas: ABSTRACT

Craig Ferris

Review of Thermal Recovery Methods Applied to California Reservoirs: ABSTRACT

Barton Gearhart, Jr.

Cost Cutting in Exploratory Drilling: ABSTRACT

Fred Green

Field Trip Orientation, Southeastern San Joaquin Valley, Kern River to Grapevine Canyon: ABSTRACT

Otto Hackel

Geology of South-Central Tejon Oil Field: ABSTRACT

Louis O. Heintz, James W. Vernon

Optical Methods and Equipment for Processing Geophysical Data: ABSTRACT

Arthur L. Ingalls

Exploring the "Asphalt Jungle": ABSTRACT

John E. Kilkenny, John H. Van Amringe

Procedures for Prospecting Highly Explored Areas: ABSTRACT

Phillip S. Kistler

Stabilized Platform Shipboard or Airborne Gravity Meter: ABSTRACT

Lucien J. B. LaCoste

Recent Oil and Gas Developments in Australia: ABSTRACT

Harold M. Lian, Henk Wories

Examples of Optical Analysis and Filtering of Seismic Record Sections: ABSTRACT

J. A. Long

Common Reflection Point Techniques in Highly Explored Areas: ABSTRACT

Harry W. Mayne

Upper Cretaceous (Campanian) Foraminiferida from Punta Baja, Baja California: ABSTRACT

David C. McGee

Optimum Use of Geophysical Tools in Exploration for Base Metal Ores: ABSTRACT

H. V. McMurry

Surface Ship Gravity Meter Operations Off Pacific Coast: ABSTRACT

L. L. Nettleton

Age of Marine Pleistocene of California: ABSTRACT

John D. Obradovich

Summary Geology of Offshore Oil Producing and Potential Areas of Pacific Coast: ABSTRACT

Frank S. Parker

Inter- and Intra-Sequence Faunal Distribution Patterns in the Sacramento Valley Cretaceous: ABSTRACT

Gary L. Peterson

Relationship of Big Pine, San Guillermo, and Ozena Faults, Northwestern Ventura County, California: ABSTRACT

William D. Poynor

Biostratigraphy of "Oligocene" Strata, Southern Olympic Peninsula, Washington: ABSTRACT

Weldon W. Rau

Dutch Slough Gas Field, Contra Costa County, California: ABSTRACT

Robert D. Reedy

Recent Applications of Digital Computers to Geophysical Problems: ABSTRACT

R. J. Reese

Strati-Structural Traps in Stevens Sands: ABSTRACT

Robert E. Sanem, Robert R. Stoddard

Long Beach Harbor Geophysical and Geological Case History: ABSTRACT

Carl Savit

Asphalto Field: ABSTRACT

Hy Seiden

Progress Report on California Section of American Institute of Professional Geologists: ABSTRACT

Arthur O. Spaulding

Miocene Radiolaria of Newport Bay, California: ABSTRACT

Jack D. Thompson

Tidal Flat Sedimentation on Colorado River Delta: ABSTRACT

Robert W. Thompson

Detection of Tectonic Stresses by New Velocity Depth Relation: ABSTRACT

Vladimer S. Tuman

Geology Analysis of Well Logs: ABSTRACT

John E. Walstrom, Frank L. Campbell

Distribution and Relationships of Sediments and Organisms, Mugu Lagoon, California: ABSTRACT

John E. Warme

Structural Features of North Tejon-Wheeler Ridge Area: ABSTRACT

Archer H. Warne

Stratigraphic and Paleoecologic Significance of Diatoms and Silicoflagellates: ABSTRACT

Walt W. Wornardt, Jr.

Pliocene Seaknoll at South Mountain in Ventura Basin, California: ABSTRACT

Robert S. Yeats

Crustal Study of Transcontinental Strip East of Rocky Mountains: ABSTRACT

Isidore Zietz, Wilburt Geddes