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AAPG Bulletin
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Unconformity Analysis
Philip A. Chenoweth
Genesis of Lower Cretaceous "A" Sandstone, Reconcavo Basin, Brazil
Edward J. Bauer
Report on 1964 Chatham Mud Island, Erin Bay, Trinidad, West Indies
G. E. Higgins , J. B. Saunders
Origin of Large Overturned Slabs of Apennines, Italy
K. Jinghwa Hsu
Carbonate Deposition Near Mean Sea-Level and Resultant Facies Mosaic: Manlius Formation (Lower Devonian) of New York State
Leo F. Laporte
Peripheral Gulf Rifting in Northeast Texas
Bennie H. Walthall , Jack L. Walper
Early Tertiary Deformation in North-Central Oregon
Richard V. Fisher
Our Profession's Challenge and Responsibility
Michel T. Halbouty
Wrench Fault Movements Along Washita Valley Fault, Arbuckle Mountain Area, Oklahoma: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
J. Henry Tanner, III
Outlook For Shallow Oil Exploration and Development, United States: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Frank B. Taylor
Economics--The Essential Requirement in Exploration: ABSTRACT
Michel T. Halbouty
Some Interrelationships Between Ideas, Dollars, and Good Dialogue: ABSTRACT
Mrs. Melba W. Murray
Bar-Mar Field, The Tricky Devonian: ABSTRACT
Bernold M. Hanson
Reclassification of Petroleum Specialists: ABSTRACT
George M. Spalding
Sedimentary Facies and Their Importance in Oil Finding: ABSTRACT
Howard R. Gould
The Mental Block: ABSTRACT
J. D. Mussett
Geology and Petroleum Possibilities of West-Central New Mexico: ABSTRACT
Roy E. Foster
Chaveroo Revisited: ABSTRACT
William H. Dunlap
Restraints on Exploration: ABSTRACT
John D. Moody
Practical Classification of Reefs and Banks, Bioherms and Biostromes: ABSTRACT
Karl W. Klement
Oil and Gas Conservation in New Mexico: ABSTRACT
A. L. Porter
Palo Pinto Limestone of Western Runnels County, Texas: ABSTRACT
Frank Spiva, A. K. Doss
Economic Evaluation of Water Sources for Waterflooding Problems: ABSTRACT
Ed L. Reed
Look Before You Leap: ABSTRACT
G. R. Schoonmaker
Current Use of Computers by Exploration Geologists: ABSTRACT
J. M. Forgotson, Jr.
Case History of Contamination Control in Hubbard Creek Reservoir Watershed, Texas: ABSTRACT
Arthur L. Jenke
Old Ideas into New Dollars--Preparation and Evaluation of Remedial Problems: ABSTRACT
Max E. Curry
Ground Rules for San Andres Exploration: ABSTRACT
Patrick J. F. Gratton, William J. Lemay