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AAPG Bulletin
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Basement Rocks in Continental Interior of United States
William R. Muehlberger , Rodger E. Denison , Edward G. Lidiak
Structural Significance and Analysis of Mid-Continent Gravity High
Richard L. Coons , George P. Woollard , Garland Hershey
Stratigraphy of Atlantic Coastal Plain Between Long Island and Georgia: Review
Horace G. Richards
Bromine in Oil-Field Waters and Its Use in Determining Possibilities of Origin of These Waters
Gordon Rittenhouse
Stratigraphic Models and General Criteria for Recognition of Alluvial, Barrier-Bar, and Turbidity-Current Sand Deposits
John W. Shelton
Factors Controlling Shape and Internal Facies Distribution of Organic Carbonate Buildups: GEOLOGICAL NOTE
Robert J. Stanton, Jr.
Paleogeomorphology and its Application to Exploration for Oil and Gas (with Examples from Western Canada): DISCUSSION
James Helwig
Paleogeomorphology and its Application to Exploration for Oil and Gas (with Examples from Western Canada): REPLY
Rudolf Martin
Paleocurrents and Shoreline Orientations in Green River Formation (Eocene), Raven Ridge and Red Wash Areas, Northeastern Uinta Basin: DISCUSSION
Richard A. Davis, Jr.
Paleocurrents and Shoreline Orientations in Green River Formation (Eocene), Raven Ridge and Red Wash Areas, Northeastern Uinta Basin: REPLY
M. Dane Picard
Critical Analysis of Stack Seismic Systems: DISCUSSION
Richard H. Hopkins
Critical Analysis of Stack Seismic Systems: REPLY
L. E. Nugent, Jr.