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The AAPG/Datapages Combined Publications Database
AAPG Bulletin
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Stratigraphy and Structure, Part of Athens Plateau, Southern Ouachitas, Arkansas
Bennie H. Walthall
Madison Limestone (Mississippian), Wind River, Washakie, and Owl Creek Mountains, Wyoming
W. J. Sando
Upper Cretaceous Stratigraphic Discontinuity, Northern California and Oregon
Gary L. Peterson
Submarine Slides in White Limestone Group, Jamaica
E. Robinson
Stratigraphy and Structure of Northeastern Newfoundland Bearing on Drift in North Atlantic
Marshall Kay
Brachiopod Zonation and Correlation of Sappington Formation of Western Montana: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
R. C. Gutschick , Joaquin Rodriguez
Sedimentologic Evidence on Eocene Correlations, Santa Ynez Mountains, California: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
Peter H. Stauffer
Cores, Samples, and Electric Logs: Needs and Availability Report of Committee on Preservation of Samples and Cores: GEOLOGICAL NOTES
John C. Frye, Chairman
Developments in Arkansas, North Louisiana, and East Texas in 1965: DISCUSSION
James M. Forgotson, Sr.
Developments in Arkansas, North Louisiana, and East Texas in 1965: REPLY
James C. Dowdy, Jr.
Developments in Arkansas, North Louisiana, and East Texas in 1965: REPLY
Richard A. Berryhill (6), Wayne L. Simpson (7)
Unconformity Analysis: ADDENDUM
Philip A. Chenoweth