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AAPG Bulletin
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Permian Cyclic Strata, Northern Midland and Delaware Basins, West Texas and Southeastern New Mexico
Burr A. Silver , Robert G. Todd
Some Economics of Academics
Grover E. Murray
The Industrial Basis of Stratigraphy: John Strachey, 1671-1743, and William Smith, 1769-1839
John G. C. M. Fuller
Correlation and Stratigraphy of Triassic Red Peak and Thaynes Formations, Western Wyoming and Adjacent Idaho
M. Dane Picard , Rolf Aadland , Lee R. High, Jr.
Relation of Fault Systems to Oil Accumulation on Eastern Margin of Arbuckle Mountains, Southeastern Oklahoma
Bruce H. Harlton
Geology of Cromwell Sandstone Member, Franks Graben Area, Coal and Pontotoc Counties, Oklahoma
Jon R. Withrow
Origin of Capitan Formation, Guadalupe Mountains, New Mexico and Texas
C. W. Achauer
Contouring by Machine: A User's Guide
Richard F. Walters
Structural Analysis Using Spatial Filtering in Interior Plains of South-Central Alberta
J. E. Robinson , H. A. K. Charlesworth , M. J. Ellis
Outline of Geologic Occurrence of Oil in Tertiary Basins of West Indonesia
R. P. Koesoemadinata